Shipping and Return
Shipping and Return
General Return Policies
- Contact eDresstore Customer Service to initiate the return process within 3 days upon receiving your item(s).
Please note that we only accept products in their original condition, and we cannot process any products that are returned without our prior knowledge. If you wish to return any or all parts of your order, you will need to contact customer service at Contact Us. - Mis-shipped products: Once we have confirmed your mis-shipped items (item shipped was not item ordered), we will be responsible for item exchange and postage will be on us. You may also return the product and get a full refund including postage.
- Color Errors: If the color of the item received is not what was ordered, you are qualified to get a full refund. The settings of your computer screen may cause the difference on the color shown on Slight color mismatches between the color of your item and the color shown on screen doesn't mean that the item is defective or miss-shipped.
Please note that we will not accept any returned items by the color difference which is caused by your display monitor or the weather condition.Specific Policies for Our Dresses
Order CancellationWe understand that it is a very important undertaking to order a dress for your special occasion, and our cancellation policy was created with bearing this in mind. However, it is important to note that our dresses are made to order, and once the tailoring process has begun the materials cannot be reused. The good news is that after placing your order, there is still time for you to change your mind. For further details, please refer to our cancellation policy below.
Cancellation Policy- Unpaid orders will be cancelled automatically after 7 days. We receive hundreds of test orders each day which our members are using to quote certain cart contents and save the invoice for later reference.
- Orders cancelled within 24 hours of payment confirmation will be eligible for a full refund.
- Orders cancelled 24 to 72 hours after payment confirmation will be eligible for a partial refund consisting of the full shipping cost and 75% of the product purchase price, in order to cover the material cost.
- Orders cancelled 72 to 120 hours after payment confirmation will be eligible for a partial refund consisting of the full shipping cost and 50% of the product purchase price, in order to cover the material cost and necessary labor cost.
- Orders cancelled more than 120 hours after payment confirmation will be eligible for a partial refund consisting of the full shipping cost and 30% of the product purchase price, in order to cover the material cost and necessary labor cost.
- Once your order has been shipped, it can no longer be cancelled.
If you would like to cancel your order, please click Contact Us to proceed.
Your satisfaction is of utmost importance to the Team. Upon the arrival of your package, it is suggested that you check and make sure the dress has been made in accordance with your order specifications. Please try on your dress as soon as possible without altering, removing the tags, or washing the dress.
If you are returning or exchanging dresses or accessories, please make sure they are in their original conditions - unworn, unwashed, unaltered, undamaged, clean, free of lint, hair and body odour, and with tags intact and attached. Color-changed, plus size over(including) size 18, or Custom-made products can not be returned.
- Defective, Damaged or Mis-shipped Items
You are qualified to get a full refund if your items are defective, damaged or mis-shipped(item shipped was not item ordered). If you believe your items were damaged during delivery, you must first obtain "Proof of Damage" documentation from your delivery carrier, which needs to be included in your returned package.
- Size Deviation
If your dress size differs from the specifications of your order by more than one and a half inches, please feel free to choose from the following options: You are encouraged to find a local tailor to make adjustments. In this case, we will reimburse you for up to 20% of the product price as tailoring costs. If you choose this option, please remember to request a receipt from your tailor as a copy of it must be provided when requesting reimbursement.
- Dress is the size you ordered but does not fit
Please understand that dresses that do not fit properly but in accordance with the specifications you ordered cannot be returned or exchanged.
You can go to a local tailor or a professional seamstress to have the dress re-sized at your own cost: Please note that if your order specifications differ too greatly from the final sizing request, re-sizing may not be possible. - Color Mismatch
The settings of your computer screen may alter the color of the pictures shown on . Slight color aberration of your dress and the color shown on screen may not mean that the dress is defective or mis-shipped. However, if you are positive that you have received the item in a wrong color, please contact Customer Service to see if a return or refund is possible.
- Submit a return request at Contact Us to Customer Service within 3 days upon receiving your order. Please include an explanation and photographs stating the reason for your return. We need to record the dress problem to better our service. Therefore, your dress photo is a must when returning goods.The dress photos are evidence to point out your dress problem, please make sure your photos to be clear. Use a digital camera instead of a mobile phone camera or a web camera.
Please note that returns will not be accepted without prior approval from Customer Service. - Once Customer Service has approved your request, we will provide you with return address as well as a Product Return Form that must be filled in and included with your return. Please send the item(s) through your local post office within 3-5 business days once you have received the form. Include the Product Return Form with your return. Please don't use courier agency like UPS, DHL or FedEx to return the parcel as we will not pay for the Custom fee that might caused. Remember, we won't refund if the dress lost during the shipping. Make sure that you return the dress to the right address and send us the tracking number within 3 days. The return shipping fee is on you.
- Once received at our facility, your return will be processed in within 24 hours. Once your return is confirmed and inspected, please allow up to two billing cycles for it to be credited to your account.
- Returning / Exchanging the dress costs time and money, you must make all the information clear and accurate (measurement, color, shipping address, phone number, the wearing date?)
All PayPal payment can only refund via PayPal, all Credit Card payment will only be refunded to the original Credit Card.
Shipping Guide has a partnership with a number of reputable shipping companies for many destinations worldwide. These include DHL, UPS, FedEx, and EMS. All the packages can be tracked online.
- Choosing a shipping method:
You can choose your preferred shipping method on the Order Information page during the checkout process. For most products, will offer you a choice of two shipping methods on the Order Information page at checkout. Our two available shipping methods are:
Expedited Shipping: Our fastest option ships to all major destinations in 3 - 7 days. Standard Shipping: The most affordable option ships to all major destinations in 5 - 10 business days to all major destinations. - Calculating Shipping Costs:
Shipping costs depend on the number of items and the weight of your order, as well as the shipping method chosen. The shipping costs will be automatically calculated when you check out based on the weight of the dress and your location.You can estimate shipping costs anytime in your shopping cart. Whether you choose a standard size or give us your custom measurements, all our dresses suits are personally tailored for you from scratch. Because of this, total Shipping Time is based on the time it will take to tailor your dresses + the time taken for the finished dress to be shipped to you. - Special Occasion Dresses
It will take 15-25 days to tailor your dresses by professional dressmaker. It will then take about 3-8 working days for the package travel from our facilities to your destination, the exact shipping time is based on the shipping company (DHL, EMS, FedEx, UPS, etc.) standard.
If you select rush order, the tailoring time can be shortened into 10-15 days depending on the dress styles you order. - Special Occasion Dresses
It will take 30-45 working days to tailor your dresses by professional dressmaker. Also it will take about 3-8 working days for the package travel from our facilities to your destination, the exact shipping time is based on the shipping company (DHL, EMS, FedEx, UPS, etc.) standard.
Note: has no control on the customs. And usually there are no import duties, taxes or customs for the goods to most destinations. If by some case, you are subject to customs or import duties on delivery, you are responsible for paying them to receive your package. is not responsible for the delay of shipping caused by the customs clearance.